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First Presbyterian Church of Lake Placid is a Christ-centered congregation in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, which holds to the great truths of the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible.
* God is the sovereign Creator and Ruler of the universe.
* Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the only Savior and Lord of mankind.
* The Holy Spirit is the initiator and enabler for the Christian life.
* The Bible is the infallible Word of God, the only perfect rule of faith and life.
* Salvation is completely by God’s grace, freely given through faith, and not earned by any human merit.
* The Ten Commandments are the summation of mankind’s responsibility to God and to one another.
* Family Worship and Tithing are encouraged. Church Government is by the Presbyterian system.
* The New Testament sets forth a pattern of leadership by Elders and Deacons. Each congregation elects these officers in a democratic manner.
* The Sacrament of Baptism is administered to believers and their children.
* Believers may join FPC by professing or reaffirming faith in Jesus Christ or by transfer of membership from another Christian Church.
* Associate Membership is welcomed to part-time residents who are members in good standing of another Christian Church.
Because of the Love and Service displayed in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, First Presbyterian Church seeks to serve Him by enabling Christ's people to demonstrate His love through solid Biblical instruction, vibrant worship, intimate fellowship, and dedicated service, thereby fashioning lives into living murals of God's grace and love in Jesus Christ in our community, nation, and world.
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