Small Groups
Experiencing Life Together … through Community
God has designed us to live in community. ​
We need God. We need each other. It is our firm​
belief at FPC that “experiencing life together” happens best in community.
What​​​​ Is a Small Group?​
Small Groups are the primary ministry model for adults at FPCLP. These groups are a community of 8-15 people who commit to doing life together in the context of three primary relationships.
- God - through prayer and Bible study
- Each other - through fellowship and care
- Non-believers - through communicating Jesus in personal relationships and involvement in local and global mission efforts
Why Should I Get Involved with a Small Group?
FIRST, small groups provide sanctuary from the pressures and anxieties of life and facilitate the formation of new friendships.
SECOND, we believe that Jesus calls us to enter into life together as His people. This means that we are called to not merely spend two hours together every weekend, but we are called to get into the beauty and messiness of life together.
What About My Kids?
On Wednesday evenings, while you are in community, so are they. We have a fully staffed nursery, children's ( K-5th grade) and youth ministry (middle and highschool). All are located on our FPCLP campus.
How Do I Find a Small Group?
We encourage everyone to check out several groups before they commit to one, so there is no pressure to commit during the first vist.